🌹Breath of Joy 🌼 Stand with your feet a little wider than hip width. Toes are turned slightly in. Bend and straighten the knees as you inhale through the nose and simultaneously cross and swing your arms overhead. Bend and straighten […]
Grounding Exercises to Allay Angst
Two Practices to Offset Your Angst: 1. Staying Grounded with an easy body scan: as you do this self-scan ensure you practice long deep inhales and exhales via the nose: Focus on your breath. Begin sensing the ground under your feet. Recite internally, I am aware that my feet are the […]
Deepening Your Intimate Connections in the Bedroom
Now is the time to deepen your intimate connections in the bedroom! Breathe Together! You breathe automatically on a daily basis but you may not have realized that breathing is a proven way to heighten sexual pleasure and arousal. When you and your partner synchronize your breathing, you start to harmonize your energies together. Often […]
Change How You Think About Breathing
When You Breathe… Try this for a change in perspective when you are taking the time to breathe deeply in your yoga or meditation practice. Or when you take some deep breaths to ground yourself during the day. For a deep, wondrous sense of peace and calm, breathe deeply before getting out of bed in […]