Child’s Pose. From a kneeling position, sit back on your heels and draw your forehead to the floor. Round your back. Bring your arms to rest alongside your torso. Breathe into your sacrum. If your nose feels smashed, draw your forehead slightly toward the chest. Benefits: Engages the parasympathetic nervous system, encourages deep calm. Neutral Spine. Try […]
Single Session Therapy: Pre-Session Questionnaire.
Single Session Therapy: Pre Session Questionnaire What is the one problem or concern that seems most important for you to focus on right now? How does the problem affect: You? Other key people in your life? How long has the problem been there? What have you tried that has helped with this problem? What have […]
Walk Your Way To A Healthier Body, Mind and Soul
So, just how much walking is the optimal amount? New research is a step closer to the exact number of steps needed to hit the federal guideline recommendations, 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week. According to researchers from the University of Massachusetts–Amherst, 100 steps per minute counts as a moderate walking pace and […]
Harness Your Negative Energy For Better Use
Do you find that negativity in the form of defeat and doubt tend to surface when you are on the verge of a major personal or professional breakthrough? Now as the harsh winter of 2019 is still unfolding, let us address how to rise above and harness our negative energy so that we can use […]
Foods to Increase Female Libido
Women, new research shows certain foods can have much the same effect of female Viagra such as boosting mood, hormonal balance and blood flow, all without the dizzying side effects. So, women, the next time you plan a romantic soirée, work some of these foods into your day. Spinach. Eating spinach will not only help […]
Healing Only Starts Once You Fully Embrace Your Emotional Pain
Three years ago, a distraught single father whose only child had committed suicide by a fentanyl overdose approached me for a series of sessions. This client visited me to sort out his painful feelings of guilt, agony and remorse over the death of his gifted 17-year-old daughter. Through endless tears, he said he had found my blog article on […]
Hypnotherapy and Smoking Cessation: Facts and Figures
Bone-Numbing Facts and Figures. According to The World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco smoking is a major problem on a global scale. Smoking tobacco kills about 6 million people yearly. Moreover, around 600,000 deaths per year are caused as a result of second-hand smoke (passive smoking). On a global scale, over a billion people smoke. Thus, one person dies every 6 seconds from a tobacco-related disease. […]
How to Surprise Your Beloved on Valentine’s Day
Men, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner once again, thus the store shelves are already stacked sky high with heart-shaped candy boxes, pink and red flowers and piles of plush teddy bears. Yes, men, you should show love and appreciation all year round to your women, but the romantic flower and gifts that accompany […]
A Cats-Versus-Dogs Perspective on Romance
Today, many folks consider romance a male versus female thing, assuming it all depends on gender. If men do X and women do Y, then everyone should be blissfully happy, right? Yet, this dichotomy just erects a huge wall between the genders, creating a false container that people think they must inhabit. Moreover, it engenders […]
Why To Vacation Together Before Cohabitating
Consider the following when planning a couples vacation: Venture into parts unknown. Go somewhere neither of you has visited before, especially if it’s your first vacation together. Or else, one of you will take the lead by default and resentment may ensue. Plus, nothing trumps discovering a new place together. Mask your bad habits. Keep […]