Have you ever been the picture of career success while at the time, you were suffering from low level anxiety on the inside? Did you just assume that it was normal to feel that way? Would you like to learn some practical tools that can help you return to a calm, centred place even when […]
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Steps
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Steps First off, find a quiet place free from distractions. Silence your cell phone, close any doors, and settle into a comfortable position where you won’t be disturbed or have to move around a lot, like a chair, recliner, or even the floor if it won’t make you fall asleep. Loosen any […]
If you choose to love an awakened woman, understand that you are entering into new, radical and challenging territory. If you choose to love an awakened woman, you cannot stay asleep. If you choose to love an awakened woman, every part of your Soul will be aroused, not just your sexual organs or even your […]
Divine Guidance, Your Inner Voice
Did you ever consider how you make choices and decisions both on a daily and longterm basis? Being conscious of ‘the when and how’ of decision-making will change your life. It will take you away from on-the-fly decision-making to conscious decision-making that aligns with your truth and authenticity. How you make decisions is mainly through your […]
Covid-related Questions for Jeanne
Dear Jeanne, I have been friends with 35-year-old “Marie” for more than 20 years. Marie never was never a particularly interesting person, and the years haven’t improved her situation. On top of it all, the Covid-19 pandemic has just exacerbated her negative mindset. When I last called to ask her how she was doing, all […]
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
For each muscle group, tense for 10 seconds and release, taking a few deep breaths as you notice sensation that comes as those muscles relax, before moving onto the next muscle group. Skip areas that cause pain when tensing. Let’s begin… 1. Sit in a comfortable position, eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths, expanding your […]
Online Business Networking Benefits
Does online Networking Differs from in Person Networking? Networking from home may feel a bit different but the same basic principles apply. At the end of the day, it involves making genuine connections and building relationships with people.Whether you do it from your couch or a conference room, the interaction itself is what counts. Yet, […]
The Gift of Grief
In 2011, my close friend Jackie passed away after a brutal 16-month battle with lung cancer. During those months, she taught me more about the meaning of life than I had learned in years. It has been 12 years since her passing but the pain of her departure has not diminished. Grief is like a wave, ebbing and […]
Can You Safely Enter Your Partner’s Inner World?
Depending on how long you have been perceiving that they are stuck, you may offer your help with more or less generosity of heart. The longer you have been experiencing the pain of their stuck place, the less generosity of heart you will likely have. The more your help really bears witness to your own […]
What about Science, Sex and Spirit?
What does science say about transcendent erotic experiences, like visions, merging with another or others, expanded awareness of past lives and out-of-body experiences? These may be experiences we can cultivate, alone and together in this sacred time of slowing down and doing things differently. In this time of heightened anxiety, isolation, danger and grief in […]