Vacation together prior to co-habitation in order to soften the inevitable shock of sharing your space and ultimately smooth the transition to marriage,
Consider the following when planning a couples vacation:
- Venture into parts unknown. Go somewhere neither of you has visited before, especially if it’s your first vacation together. Or else, one of you will take the lead by default and resentment may ensue. Plus, nothing trumps discovering a new place together.
- Mask your bad habits. Keep any ugly personal habits hidden if you have any. The shock could be too much for her to bear so try to introduce them in phases, especially if she is apprehensive about sharing a bathroom for the first time. The reverse is true too. Her apparent guise of feminine grace could go down the toilet the moment you witness her embroiled in her morning bathroom ritual. The point at which you find yourself in the relationship could make all of the difference.
- Watch out for those mood swings. Taking it one step further, a couples vacation is a chance for you to present your entire personality to her. She will observe you in various moods, based upon the time of day and situation at hand.
- Keep in mind: You have likely only spent a couple of nights a week together but now you will be with your woman from sunrise to sunrise. Much can occur during that time that has not yet transpired in front of her at home. How will you handle stress in front of her? How will you react if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and she does not give you the comfort you need? Consider the reverse too. You will need to establish your tolerance level for some aggravating behaviour that she has not previously exhibited.
- Be upfront about money. Be open with each other about your financial concerns. Many former couples admit that the ultimate downturn in their relationship involved money-related conflicts. Along with all else, a simple, direct communication approach is the cure. Before you go on vacation, mutually agree upon on how you will distribute payment for the flight, hotel, meals, drinks and incidentals and stick to it.
- Snuggle or space? If you have never spent the night together, a shared vacation could change the relationship forever. Sex is one thing, but toss in an opportunity of a night together and the entire dynamic shifts.
- What is your sleep preference? Do you want her draped all over you throughout the night or do you prefer your space? This may seem like a petty concern now, but the minute you hit the sack, it becomes critical. An established couple has determined their nightly ritual, with regard to sex and sleep. But a new couple has a fresh trail to blaze and if you don’t express yourself now, you will be forced to forever hold your peace on the matter. This is but another way that a vacation could unearth some serious relationship concerns.
- Save yourself some time. Ideally, a new couple should vacation together for two weeks within the first year of establishing a relationship. Think of the potential heartache that would be spared if people followed that advice.
So, if you wish to discover more about your lover and test out your relationship potential, book your passage today. Just prepare yourself for the most intensive education ever in couples dynamics!