We all know that 2020 has been a chaotic, uncertain year so unsurprisingly, anti-anxiety medication has tripled. However, while medication may suppress symptoms, it can’t resolve the deeper underlying causes. The face of anxiety can be deceiving and many of us hide it well.
Have you ever been the picture of career success while at the time, you were suffering from low level anxiety on the inside?
Did you just assume that it was normal to feel that way?
Would you like to learn some practical tools that can help you return to a calm, centred place even when life around you feels crazy or chaotic?
The first step to tackling anxiety is a conscious awareness.
Anxiety is far more complex than just being unable to relax!
Telltale Signs of Anxiety
*sleeping poorly at night
*feeling on edge even in safe environments
*second guessing everything you do
*being indecisive
*imagining worst case scenarios
*criticizing yourself for the smallest things
*overthinking and over-analyzing everything
*feeling like you can’t breathe properly or you have a knot in your stomach
*feeling stuck and unsure about your future
*procrastination and perfectionism
*looking for reassurance from others
So, how does anxiety show up for you?
What triggers it?
Mostly, how do you alleviate it?
I can help you finally address the stress and anxiety in your life in an effective way.