“Do not assume that divine guidance flows only when you are in need of help. Guidance continues to flow whether or not you have problems. It transcends problems, heartbreaks, and traumas, flowing through dreams and illuminations. Whether guidance comes during times of tranquility or trauma, however, it is up to you to have the courage to acknowledge it…” – Caroline Myss
Did you ever consider how you make choices and decisions both on a daily and longterm basis?
Being conscious of ‘the when and how’ of decision-making will change your life. It will take you away from on-the-fly decision-making to conscious decision-making that aligns with your truth and authenticity.
How you make decisions is mainly through your intuition or gut instinct. Do you realize how many choices and decisions you make each moment of your day? From the time you get up in the morning, you have to make minor and major ones.
Examples: Upon waking in the morning, do I hit snooze, exercise or continue sleeping. Do I eat before leaving for work or grab something on the way? Do I make a nutritious lunch or have I already done that the night before? Do I stop long enough to take a few minutes to set an intention for my day or do I let others dictate my mood and agenda? Am I making decisions based on what I must do for me, contributes to my overall wellness and pleasure in life or do I do things to please others, so that I get it over with or am I taking care of everyone else’s needs at the expense of my own.
Intuition helps us along our life path. You know that tiny inner voice reminding you to take your umbrella in the morning although the sun is shining. How about the feeling that urges you to turn right instead of left? You get a feeling about something and don’t do it, only to find out later that you were right all along. Often when we meet someone we get a feeling. Some call it their spidey senses tingling. Something just does not feel right and later you realize why you were right on the mark. It may be a knowing within you that you follow without question.
Two Approaches To Making Choices And Decisions
1. Ask yourself which decision takes you further along your path and which one takes you further away from it?
2. Imagine both scenarios in detail. Take yourself through each one in turn and tune into how your body responds. Do you sense a feeling of lightness, excitement and joy? Or does your stomach churn or get tight? When you decide which way feels right to you, then you simply take one step at a time.

Listening to yourself lets you take the needed baby steps in the direction of your heart’s longing. Dreams, desires and longings are far more than casual feelings; rather, they’re your heart’s guiding compass.
Trust in your own divine inner guidance. Always faithful and true, it will guide you along your true path. The more you connect with Self, the more you can access your heartfelt knowledge. It is not just in some of us; it is in each one of us.
“When I fully trust in being myself, all in my life falls into place easily, often miraculously.” ~Shakti Gawain
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