Three-Minute Tantra. While advanced tantric practices do require a certain degree of practice and training, simple tantra can be done by anyone. Tantra is transformation and expansion, energy, emotion, and consciousness, including powerful human drives like, sex, breath and hunger. The easy 3-minute tantric exercise below can benefit everyone.
- Close your eyes; notice your current mental and emotional state. Is it good or bad, up or down?
- Then start instantly remembering any moment, feeling, image, sound or smell that gives you feelings of profound pleasure or joy.
- Stay in that feeling; let it intensify until you can feel it surge throughout your body. Feel yourself smiling with your eyes twinkling.
- Now think of a loving, happy moment that gives you warm, fuzzy feelings in the center of your chest. Feel it, remain in it.
- Let go of the memory but keep the feeling. Remain in the feeling, amplify it. That warm fuzzy feeling in your chest is caused by your thymus gland, sitting at the left side of your chest atop your physical heart.
Notice how transformed you feel. The hormones you just released not only give you warm fuzzy feelings, but also dissolve cortisol (stress hormone released by the adrenal glands). Longterm exposure to cortisol damages your organs and can kill but thymus hormones cause the body to destroy cortisol and relax again!
You’ve just performed an instant tantric de-stressing exercise, using your own mind, as well as your nervous and endocrine systems. Happily, the more you stimulate those wondrous feelings, the easier it is for your body to generate more.
According to modern science, the human body builds new neural networks just to channel the peptides bringing us those good feelings!
- Repeat the exercise several times daily to fortify those positive neural networks. You will feel better, so much faster!
Hint: Do this exercise with feelings of happiness, love or gratitude, excitement, reverence or awe, even with orgasmic bliss!
Do one at a time at first.
When they get easier and more powerful, try to blend them!