Have you been feeling out of sorts lately as if you are facing increasingly greater challenges than ever before? Do you feel that you are in the muck of it? Are your buttons being pushed? Do knee jerk reactions flare up with triggers galore? So, what do you do?
We have been taught to override how we feel, suck it up, and compartmentalize it. We instinctively want to run and hide from our fears and patterns, yet it’s squarely in our faces.
Some of our practices may even be spiritual bypasses. We may hear phrases like:
- “You create your reality.”
- “Fix your thoughts if you are in pain.”
- “This is all an illusion.”
But is this helpful? Can we just be more present to each other’s pain; hold space and stand in the fire with them? Can we patiently listen without words or trying to fix it. Can we open our hearts to express compassion and empathy?

Growth can often occur as follows…we expand into something great, we feel inspired grateful and on track, then suddenly we are right back in the thick of it again.
In order to expand, we must contract. That’s just the way it works.

“Are feeling out of sorts as if you are facing increasingly greater challenges than ever before? Do you feel like you are in the muck of it? Are your buttons being pushed? Do knee jerk reactions keep flaring up with triggers galore? So, what do you do?”
We are all undergoing major growth transitions right now, everything from broken dreams to broken hearts, broken contracts, wake up calls and identity crises. Indeed, it seems time for major shifting. Thanksgiving is a time for many of us to shed our old skins that fit too tightly. With these powerful, productive junctures in life, we are asked to stretch our comfort levels and develop courage, stamina and trust in what needs to be birthed NOW.
After all, labour pains are highly unpleasant but an expectant mother eagerly anticipates her newborns arrival and accepts the accompanying pain that she must suffer for that miracle to occur.
Think of your own re-birthing in the same way. You would shift from self-induced suffering to expectancy, your willingness would strengthen your courage and ignite understanding so you would be likelier to take right action. While it’s never easy, you would also be more able to accept the loss of attachments and cooperate with the changes that want to take you to the next level.
This paradigm shift is ready to happen.
So, when things get tough, take a deep breath. Instead of reacting from fear and projections, sit with it, question the motives of change and ask it what it is showing you. If you are willing to objectively examine your life, you will know what must go, what must open and what must be birthed.
Once you do, you can meet the storm as an ally not a curse and see your own role in calling it in! The lightening will then have a direction, it will burn up the dead wood instead of extinguishing your life force.
But always let yourself feel and grieve the loss, let your heart be torn open, You know that it’s a vital ingredient in the alchemy. Just keep moving through it all so that you can claim the amazingly beautiful heart-and-soul distillation that awaits you on the other side. This is how your power will find you!
Keep showing up for yourself, time and time again.
Be patient with your growth as you are more than worth it.
I wish you all an abundant Thanksgiving season filled with love, passion and adventure. As always, I am here to support you in this life journey.
Warm Regards and Safe Holidays!