Yoni Massage clearly benefits both men and women, whether it be for deep relaxation, a higher sense of spirituality, or anything else for that matter. So, how does yoni massage add sparks of electricity to the bedroom. This type of massage can heighten your senses, bringing you closer to the feelings of spiritual and emotional […]
The Farmer’s Walk: Benefits, Techniques, Muscles Worked
Recently, movements only done by hardcore strength athletes are making their way into the fitness routines of typical gym-goers seeking to improve their health. To wit, the farmer’s walk, in which equipment held in each hand is carried for a distance.. What is the farmer’s walk? The farmer’s walk, also called the farmer’s carry, is […]
Who’s ready to walk?
Turn your walk into a workout with this 31-day interval-training plan! My clients view their daily walk as zen time while some even schedule walking meetings to get movement in while they work. Some take daily walks to just maintain their sanity! At times you can go on a leisurely stroll, but other days you […]
Intimacy-Building and Sacred Sexual Rituals
Three Intimacy-Building Techniques Nurturing Meditation. This practice is akin to the traditional spooning position. According to the Esoteric energy flow theory, both partners should lie on their left sides. Decide whoever most needs some nurturing. Suppose it is the female partner. Although the partner in back is the giver, you will you both be able to rebalance your […]