Turn your walk into a workout with this 31-day interval-training plan. Who’s ready to walk? A one-month plan can help you shed the ‘quarantine 15’ while providing a needed mental break. For many, the outdoors has been a mental health saver over the past year, providing a needed reprieve from being cooped up in the house.
Turn your walk into a workout with this 31-day interval-training plan!
My clients view their daily walk as zen time while some even schedule walking meetings to get movement in while they work.
Some take daily walks to just maintain their sanity! At times you can go on a leisurely stroll, but other days you can turn it into an interval workout to get your heart rate up and boost your cardiovascular health. The bonus about walking is that you need noequipment; just grab a pair of gym shoes and get out the door!
You can also walk daily as a low impact form of cardio puts little stress on your muscles and joints so not much time time for recovery is needed.
Health Benefits Of Walking Outdoors
Walking is great for reducing stress, improving circulation and mobility and boosting energy levels. Research also shows that interval training is best for fat loss, so if weight loss is your focus, this workout plan will help you work towards that goal, too.
Taking your walking outdoors only magnifies the benefits. Spending time outside in nature has been shown to help with mental health problems like depression and anxiety. Observing natural elements like trees, grass and flowers and breathing in some fresh air are all mood-boosters that are easily accessible by , stepping outdoors. Even if you live in a city or more urban area, exposure to natural elements like trees and birds has shown positive effects on mental health! If you’re ready to reap the mental and aphysical benefits of walking, here is plan for you to follow this month.
A 4-step plan to reset your 2021 health goals
To turn your leisurely walk into a workout, focus on a few things. First, breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth like with any cardio exercise. Next, pump the arms as you walk, and pull the navel in towards your spine to engage your core. Pull your shoulders back so that you’re not rounded forward while walking. Keep your ears over your shoulders, and your shoulders over the hips. Practice in front of a mirror to ensure you’re in proper walking posture.
Walking Workout A is for beginners. Workout B steps things up a notch by cutting down on recovery time. We mixed in some intervals based on speed, but this will look different for everyone. A leisurely walk is one in which you’re casually walking at your normal pace. A fast walk refers to walking as if you’re in a rush to get somewhere. You’re moving quickly (but not running) and may find it challenging to talk while doing so. This part of the walk gets your heart rate up, but it’s always followed by a leisurely walk to bring your heart rate back down.
Walking is a workout that can be done daily, but for this plan it’s best ease into a walking routine by allotting “rest” days. Feel free to still walk, stretch, or do any other workout you enjoy on these rest days. The rest days are built in for those who want to start slowly and build up their stamina or get used to carving time out of the day to get outside!
Walking Workout A
- 3 minutes: leisurely warm up
- 1 minute: fast walk
- 2 minutes: leisurely walk
- 12 minutes:Alternate between fast and leisurely pace
3 minute leisurely cool down
Walking Workout B
- 3 minutes: leisurely warm up
- 1 minute: fast walk
- 1 minute: leisurely walk
- 10 minutes: Alternate between fast and leisurely pace
- 1 minute: fast walk
- 30 seconds: leisurely walk
- 6 minutes: Alternate between fast and leisurely pace
- 3 minute leisurely cool down
Workouts are kept to around 20 minutes.