At its essence, Tantra is a practice blending movement, breath, meditation and sound, to help the Chakra energy system within the body to open. This opening allows dormant energy, called Kundalini, to move up from the pelvis, along the spine. The movement of this life-force energy can help you heal by loosening constrictions within the body that have developed over a lifetime. The expansion of the energy body also boosts sensation, clairvoyance and your ability to connect with others.

Indeed, this expanded ability to connect with a partner draws many to Tantra. Beyond the clear benefits of improving your sex life, Tantra practices can also expand the energy body towards your true purpose in life. All in all, Practicing tantra just feels awesome and the side benefit of ecstatic orgasms (solo or with a partner) keep people coming back for more.
But you don’t really jump straight into ecstatic orgasms when you begin a Tantra practice, and that’s fine. Every new skill starts small with the basics! The gentle movement and breathing techniques of Qigong (which I teach my Tantra students to balance their energy), and Tantra yoga (which raises energy) are enjoyable in their own right, as you journey down the Tantric path.
Even more basic are guided meditations that help you move energy up and down the spine and expand the energy centers of your body. With a regular five-minute daily practice, gradually adding time as you progress, Tantra becomes available to all physical abilities. Most motivated people can find time to fit this into their daily routine.
Below is a Tantric meditation that raises energy and invites the energy centers along the spine to open. Even if you’re not currently in an intimate relationship with anyone other than yourself, these meditations offer tangible benefits.
Third Eye Meditation. Known as a Spinal Meditation in Ipsalu Kriya Yoga, this meditation technique opens the Crown Chakra (top of the head) and the Third Eye Chakra (middle of the forehead) to receive divine energy. It also activates a circuit of energy up and down the spine, opening awareness to the heavens, while maintaining a connection to the Earth.
Come into a comfortable seated position. Feel your sit bones at the base of your pelvis and your legs touching the cushion and floor below you. If sitting in a chair, feel your feet on the floor.
Inhale and lengthen your spine. Imagine a string is pulling the top of your head toward the sky. Exhale and reach your tailbone toward the Earth, while maintaining that length in your spine. You can imagine your tailbone is a taproot connecting with the heart of the Earth. Keep your chin parallel to the floor. Continue to breathe easily and naturally.
Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and imagine a golden ball in front of just above your eyebrows, in the center of your forehead (your third eye). Inhale through your nose, roll the ball over the top of your head (crown), down the spine to your tailbone, chanting the word “hung” in your mind.
Exhale through your nose, rolling the ball back up the spine, over your head to your forehead (third eye), and chant “sau” (sounds like “saw”) on inhalation.
This chant means, “I am that” or “I am.”
By chanting this mantra you are affirming your True Self as one with the Earth and the Divine.
Start doing this practice for five minutes daily; add more time each time you sit, building up to 20 minutes daily.
Note that it is crucial to balance a Kundalini activating practice with a grounded practice. An imbalance of Kundalini may make you light-headed or dizzy, too energized, talkative or prone to insomnia. Simple activities such as restorative yoga, receiving massage, walks in nature, weight training, or eating foods like root vegetables and oily foods like avocados and olives can help.
While it may be tempting to stay in a raised Kundalini state, it can be difficult to function while living in the ethers. If you start feeling energetically out of balance, return to activities and practices that ground you, and seek assistance if necessary. Consult an experienced Tantra educator for support if you have difficulty grounding yourself.
Should you wish to use meditation as a way into sacred sexuality practices with a partner, I recommend working with me. I am an experienced Tantra teacher who will help you always stay deeply connected to yourself.