A recurring theme in my sessions with clients is the topic of how to move from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance. When people contemplate the meaning of abundance, they often see it solely in terms of money; yet, the notion of abundance shows up in many forms; i.e., living in a comfortable home, having a good job, being part of a loving family, thriving in an ongoing state of wellness, having continuous access to nutritious foods, being surrounded by supportive friends and feeling safe, mentally and physically.
Now is the time to accept that you are worthy of enjoying your birthright, a fabulous life overflowing with abundance in every form. The Universe is wide open with all its gifts for you. The Universe says a resounding ‘yes’ to us all for a life overflowing with abundance but our subconscious says ‘no.’ So, do you view abundance as separate from you. If so, know that abundance is part of who you are at all times, without exception.Yes, you are always connected to abundance!
How to Change Your Mindset About Abundance
- Change Your Focus. Don’t just focus on money alone. Instead, ask yourself, “What is the money for? Why do I want more? How can I use my abundance to more effectively serve others?” Yes, the more abundance you receive, the more you will have to give and the more you give, the more you will receive. Try to focus more on the ‘why” which is to be of greater service. When you are on the path of following your true bliss, you are fully supported by The Divine.
- Alter your Conscious Awareness. Planet Earth with everything on it is comprised of energy. If you study anything under a microscope, you will see energy. Trees and a salad bowl are just slow moving energy so your eyes can clearly see them. Money is also energy; moving and vibrating molecules. If you consider how you wirelessly transmit money these days, then you need to reframe your outlook on the meaning of money .
- Be Deserving. What obstacles are in your way to receiving? Do you feel unworthy? Do these patterns stem from parental influences like the old, worn-out phrase: “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” Be open to scrutinizing your abundance-related thoughts and beliefs, reframe them and release them. Then open your arms and embrace the wonderful life you deserve filled with abundance
- Be Open To Receive. Open up your arms and he art in order to receive all the wondrous perks and benefits that this life has to offer you. Know that you are a worthwhile human being who is more than deserving!
- Be Happy. You will receive far more in life when you are in a state of joy so ask yourself what makes you happy, then do more of that!
Hoping, wishing and pleading come from a place of scarcity. Trust that the ‘order’ you placed with the Universe is on its way to you.
Indeed, know that your heartfelt dreams exist for a reason. You are unique in what you seek and desire in life. Trust that all that you need is here for you now. You need to say “yes”and let it in. If you really transform your mindset using the above tips, then you will be well on your way to enjoying a fully abundant life.
Should you wish to continue learning, I offer a workshop where we will do a deep dive into the topic of abundance. I also offer one-on-one sessions were the sole focus is on you. When you consciously live from your authentic self, you will be blessed with abundance, as well as spiritual clarity and ongoing inner guidance. How you move through your life will be forever changed!