Inner peace is the state of physical and spiritual calm despite many stressors. Finding your peace of mind means attaining happiness, contentment, and bliss no matter how difficult things get in your life. Finding happiness and inner peace does not depend on a problem-free life or the absence of conflict because we all go through challenges in our lives.
During these turbulent times, we need to seriously re-examine the healing power of non-reaction. Love, peace and harmony will always reign supreme. Most spiritual texts teach us not to react to events, but rather to act from our inner centre of peace.

The world will continue to spin without you spinning. No matter how turbulent the storm is, the eye of the hurricane will remain calm and still. No matter how much confusion surrounds you, at the still centre of your being, you can access peace and strength. Hence, you will gain mastery of every aspect of both your inner and outer lives. Nobody can ever upset you when you act from your Authentic Self. You will become unflappable.
Deep within you is the still, harmonic centre of calm, peace and balance. In becoming still and tapping into your inner Divine Presence, you are freed from all of life’s chaos and distractions as you dwell in this sacred space.
So, drink deeply of these spiritual wellsprings. Let the healing, flowing waters cleanse and purify you, thereby releasing you from everything that is unlike the nature of Source.