All men on want to be better lovers as sex is so integral to a thriving intimate relationship. It serves to bond a couple and keep them deeply connected, on all levels. For many men, the very notion of his being unable to provide his woman with a lasting, deeply fulfilling sexual encounter can cause him tremendous stress and anxiety. After all, you wish to afford her the kind of sexual performance that makes her brag about it to her friends, not complain about it. Muscles weaken over time and can atrophy from neglect, including sex-related muscles. Sexual confidence and competence go hand in hand. By building your skill set and sexual stamina, you approach the bedroom with a renewed sense of pride and conviction in your masculinity.
Explore the following tips and you and your partner will notice a difference in no time.
7 Exercises To Boost Male Sexual Stamina
Sexual stamina is not limited to the performance of your penis. Deep, transformational sex is a whole body experience and thus requires your whole body to be fit, ready and willing.
1. Tongue. Did your tongue or jaw ever cramp up during oral sex? Strengthen your jaw and tongue muscles by doing tongue push-ups. Push the underside of the tip of your tongue into the front of your hard palate (the front of the roof of your mouth, right behind your front teeth). Do this enough times with enough strength and it will become easier over time (giving you more sexual stamina for oral sex).
To take this exercise to the next level, put hard-shelled chocolate candies between your tongue and hard palate, then practice crushing them with the force of your tongue. For a healthier alternative use grapes.
2. Forearm. Whether you’re propping yourself up for a position or stimulating her G-spot, your sexual stamina requires a certain amount of forearm strength. If you haven’t already, pick up some free weights or a gym membership and bump up the weight on your forearm curls.
3. Abs And Lower Back. Strong abdominal and lower back muscles are essential in almost every sexual position. Practice inverted curls, squats, deadlifts, planks, and pushups for greater overall ab and lower back strength.
4. Connect With Your Breath. We’ve all heard of the “Just think about baseball…” trick to avoid ejaculating too quickly. In reality, this trick doesn’t work. The less connected your mind is to your body, the less control you have over it. You must be extra aware of your sexual arousal levels so put all of your attention on the pleasure you’re feeling.
An easier way to control your ejaculation is to focus on relaxing and breathing. Breathe deeply and allow your muscles to relax. You ejaculate prematurely when you are anxious and tense; the “fight or flight” response in your body is triggered by your muscular tension. Avoid this by relaxing, extending foreplay, and breathing more deeply.
5. Sleep. Your testosterone (hormone responsible for male sex drive) is produced while you sleep. If you have consistently poor sleep, your testosterone levels drop rapidly.
Keep as much artificial light away from your eyes as possible two hours prior to bedtime. Sleep in as dark of a room as possible, and prioritize getting at least eight hours of rest per night. Your testosterone production will increase from the improved sleep. The extra testosterone will give your sexual stamina a boost.
6. Pelvic Floor Exercises. The pubococcygeus (PC) muscle is a hammock-shaped muscle that stretches from your pubic bone to your tailbone. It forms your pelvic floor and exists in both men and women. It is the muscle that you can engage when you are peeing to stop the flow of urine.
Many people ignore these muscles so they weaken over time but a strong pelvic floor increases erectile strength, ejaculatory control, as well as orgasmic strength.
To get a greater awareness of your PC muscle, occasionally pulse and hold the muscle to give it a wake up call. Similar to the tongue strengthening exercise, you will feel it becoming easier over time. Start with quick pulses, move up to sets of ten two-second holds, and then after a few days see if you can do ten five-seconds holds without much of a break in between. Keep this up and you can have a six pack in no time!
7. PC Muscle Exercises On Steroids. The preceding exercises are fabulous to jumpstart a relationship with your PC muscle, but you don’t build a muscle by going to the gym and flexing your arm for half an hour (not much of a muscle at least). Muscles need to be challenged to grow. So how can you challenge your PC muscle to grow into a sub-waistline six pack?
Masturbate to arousal and drape a dry hand towel over your erection. With the towel in place, do penis push-ups by flexing your PC muscle and lifting the towel.
To increase the difficulty of this exercise, use a wet hand towel once you have mastered the dry hand towel push up. After that, you can upgrade to a small dry beach towel. These exercises are not for the faint of heart, but even doing five minutes a day a few times per week will make a noticeable difference in erectile strength and ejaculatory control. Try it out and see what results you experience.
Bonus Tips. Beyond muscular stamina for sex, you also need cardiovascular endurance, flexibility to boost your boudoir prowess, and a healthy, balanced diet.
- Cardio: Aim to sweat a minimum of three times per week outside of the bedroom. Whether you achieve this through running, speed-walking, rock climbing, or whatever you find the most fun, it’s up to you.
- Flexibility: Men tend to store tension in their hips and lower back. Look into different styles of yoga to see what could help your body relax for more enjoyable sex. If you’re not sure where to start, look up hip opening stretches online.
- Diet: Loading up with stimulants and depressants on a daily basis (caffeine, sugar, alcohol, cigarettes) has far-reaching negative effects on your physical health and libido. If you reduce your coffee intake, you will feel more vibrant as surging testosterone courses through your veins instead of an artificial caffeine buzz!
Going The Distance. On average, women take longer to reach their peak levels of sexual arousal during foreplay and intercourse. They also tend to take longer to reach orgasm. By increasing your sexual stamina, you give your female partner the much needed space and freedom to fully open up so you can mutually participate in the thriving sex life you both so deeply crave.