In global spiritual traditions, an oft quoted aphorism is “as above, so below,” references the need to balance Earth and Heaven.
The lower or earth connection is Energy/Wisdom/ Vitality (Shakti/Yin); the upper connection is Observation/Knowledge/ Awareness (Shiva/ Yang).
Both Earth and Heaven (lower and upper) are equal parts of Manifestation and equal parts of the Cosmic or Divine Principle.
Why opt to connect to just half when you can enjoy the whole?
Why do so many self-proclaimed yoginis and neo-tantrics appear so unhealthy and disconnected? Or why do these supposed healthy, spiritual people appear insecure and disconnected from family and fellow human beings? Sometimes they’ cannot hold down a job, maintain real relationships,
or create prosperity for themselves and their families.
I teach students how to connect their own sources of security, vitality and prosperity. Authentic tantric adherents see no contradiction between a successful physical life and successful spiritual life.
Physiologically, most fragmented, incomplete spiritual yogas direct blood flow, nerve and endocrine activity upwards in the body, to centers like the thymus, pineal gland, amygdala and hypothalamus. These incomplete western yogas ignore the lower endocrine glands, gonads, kidneys and digestive glands. These former centers are all responsible for the mental and emotional experience of spiritual states, but the latter keep body and mind happy, healthy and functional on a daily basis.
To dwell only on your body’s upper centres, while neglecting your lower half, means you may ultimately become sedated and in deep debt. The lower glands keep you vital and functional.
Live well and prosper!
The lower centers are your body’s foundation. While it’s great to live in the penthouse apartment (upper centers), if the foundation (lower centers) rots, the entire building collapses.
Thus, that penthouse is worthless.
Even neo-tantrics don’t balance the two as they place stress on the gonads, heart and throat over the tailbone, digestive glands and brain centres.
Real tantrics use this powerful technique to gain both vitality and consciousness, as well as prosperity and realization. Experience it for yourself by doing the exercise.
Do this secret 10-minute tantric exercise.
Take a break from whatever you’re doing as you will feel happier and more energized when finished. Once you appreciate this awesome exercise, schedule a tantric session with me to learn even more powerful methods of gaining spiritual development while prospering and better connecting with those around you.
Alternate reading a step in the exercise below with practicing it.
- Stand up, knees slightly bent, tailbone tucked between your legs.
- Your lower spine becomes a straight, relaxed, vertical line.
- Tuck your chin back with the crown of your head high and flat.
- The upper spine is straight but relaxed.
- Become aware of your feet, tailbone and crown of your head. Feel the nerves in each.
- Wiggle your feet against the ground. Tap your tailbone gently a few times. Lightly touch your crown for a moment. Relax and breathe.
- Close your eyes and visualize roots extending deep into the Earth from your feet and tailbone, feeling yourself deeply connected to the Earth.
- Now, send those roots even deeper into the ground.
- Think of something that makes you smile warmly with love.
- Let that warm, loving, smiling feeling permeate your whole body as you breathe a few deep breaths from your diaphragm. Imagine your body is a hollow vessel for your breath and those smiling, warm feelings.
- Then begin gently, deeply, slowly inhaling up through your roots, up from deep within the Earth, up through those roots, into your feet, legs, pelvis, torso, arms and head, all the way up to your crown. Pause, and exhale in a long, slow, relaxed release of tension, smiling down through your body, into the roots and into the Earth.
- Repeat it slowly, deeply, smiling for 27 long breaths, releasing more tension with each exhalation, smiling with gratitude into the Earth. Then begin again, visualize the roots, feel the connection of the nerves in your feet, legs, and tailbone to the Earth beneath you.
- Stay present, centred and relaxed as you breathe, always aware of the sensations in your tailbone and feet!
- Wiggle your toes at anytime to activate the nerves as you breathe.
- Gently tap your tailbone with your hand occasionally to open up your awareness there!
- Smile down through your body again; smile down into the Earth.
- Inhale up feelings of security, solidity, vitality, foundation, connectedness, up from deep within the Earth, up through your roots, up though your legs, pelvis, torso, body, arms and head.
- Then gently, slowly exhale that secure, supported, loving feeling up through your crown, exhaling to the Cosmos with gratitude.
- Breathe deeply and gently while you connect to your own awareness of the Divine, from your own belief system!
- Connect to feelings of awe and splendour, love and compassion.
- Inhale it down through the crown, down through your body, being aware still of the smiling, loving warmth, and the awe and splendour of the connection through the crown. Inhale down through your body, down through your legs and feet, exhaling deeply through your roots, exhaling that feeling deep into the Earth with gratitude.
- Repeat the upwards and downwards breath with smiling warmth, love, connection, awe and gratitude to the earth and heavens. Breathe deeply, long, and gently with your diaphragm, filled with emotion, always aware of the sensory connection via your feet, tailbone, and crown. Use physical feeling and awareness.
Use Visualization
- Eyes closed, move your eyes up and down with your breath to help move your awareness.
- If aural by nature, listen to the sound of your breath moving through those connections.
- Use your sensory awareness strengths to enhance your sensory awareness weaknesses.
- Repeat this breathing from Earth to Heaven and back from Heaven to Earth for another 27 breaths, or 5 minutes.
- Stop and breathe normally if you get light-headed.
- Constantly relax and remain aware. Do not force your breath; just relax and feel!
If you suffer from insecurity, add the following:
- Feel the solid earth’s support of the solid earth beneath you.
- Lie down on the ground and feel it!
- Pushing upwards against gravity, the ground supports you, lovingly and unconditionally.
- For those with wealth issues, picture the rich, sparkling gold ore veins within the Earth beneath you. Their scintillating beauty also supports you.
- Connect to that gold and breathe in champagne bubbles of gold up through your roots and your body and exhale them out to the Cosmos, smiling with joy and gratitude.
- Do the same with sparkling gold coins; see them rain gently back down all around you.
- Repeat this for 27 breaths.
- As you breathe, feel this golden breath ebb and flow, without judgment, just as you watch the waves and tides ebb and flow on a still day at the beach.
- Notice how there’s always more within your roots as you inhale, always more coming back from the Cosmos after you exhale.
- Wealth, health and well being (material, emotional, spiritual) are omnipresent if you just move with the natural flow.
- Now, feel yourself as a loved, relaxed, connected, grounded, supported being.
You are connected materially and spiritually, released from fear and insecurity.
Now you are ready to pursue your true desires.
Practice this daily to enhance every aspect of your life.