Women, a small but vital shift in your verbal communication style can make or break your romantic relationship with your mate. Traditionally, men have long complained about the proverbial nagging female, the bossy bitch who makes heavy demands on their partner, often with a harsh tone to accompany their sometimes unreasonable requests.
Clearly, women are not supposed to be needless or not ask for anything. Rather, the problem lies in how they ask that can erode the quality of their relationship. Indeed, an intimate relationship needs polarity so as to function well. To wit, ideally in each moment, one partner should embody the masculine charge while the other should embody the feminine. Again, this has nothing at all to do with gender or orientation.
Thus, suppose a woman demands that her male partner take out the trash. At issue isn’t her asking that something be done. No, the real issue is how she is asking her partner to do it that can kill the polarity between them.
What most women do with more helpful ways of handling the situation
Saying “Give me your coat” is a demand but saying “Brrr, I’m cold” isn’t. The latter gives him a chance to respond to your statement by doing something about it that he can decide on.
Asking, “Why don’t you ever make dinner here anymore? I’m starving!” kills polarity. Even subtle criticism kills the romantic spirit in any man or woman. Saying, “Hmm, I’m starting to get super hungry” invites him to respond while maintaining the charge of polarity.
Saying, “Hey, it’s been eons since the last time you planned our date night?” kills polarity but saying, “I’d really enjoy doing something fun with you soon,” invites him to fill in the gaps of creating an especially fun outing for you both.
The common thread in these examples is that the woman asking is speaking from her feelings, whether it be from feeling cold or hungry or desiring some fun, versus making outright demands. To most men, the former sounds like a harsh drill sergeant while the latter sounds like a much beloved feminine goddess that they wish to serve.
Bottom Line. Even if you are only placating his male ego, let your male partner save the day now and then. For a man, romantic love is ultimately about service.
Thus, any kind, loving man is more than happy to be given opportunities to serve you with his more than substantial gifts.