Have you ever attended a yoga class? If so, you are likely familiar with how to bring your awareness to your breath. This easy shift of consciousness can return you from this morning’s chaotic traffic jam and tomorrow’s feared dental appointment to life in the present moment.
So let’s try it now. First off, you need to assume a comfortable seated position, cross your legs and be still.
Exercise 1: Bellows Breath: Place one hand on your abdomen, the other on your chest. Take a moment to feel your breath’s natural rhythm. Then move into Bellows Breath: inhale and exhale through your nose 27 times. These breaths should be vigorous and energetic. The belly will move out as you breathe in. As you breathe out, feel the muscles in your pelvic floor (known in yogic practice by its Sanskrit name Mula Bandha) rising up, bringing blood flow to your sexual organs.
Many people start to feel aroused when they breathe like this and Some even claim to achieve orgasm. After 27 breaths, inhale to your full capacity and hold the breath while you engage your lower abdominal muscles.
Relax your belly and rest your palms face up on your thighs. On an exhale, bring your right thumb and forefinger together (called a mudra) and bring the point they make to your chest centre. Visualize light and love emanating from your heart out through your entire body and all around you. Allow it to envelop you and anyone with you. You are now practicing Tantra!
Make this exercise part of your regular routine and you will likely begin feeling calmer and more sensual.
Exercise 2: Ocean Breath: Do this exercise when you seek to transition from your work day to the boudoir. Relax your jaw; let it naturally drop open. Breathe in and out via your open mouth. As you breathe, let your chest expand with your inhalations and contract with your exhalations (similar to the Cat Cow Pose in yoga). Visualize your breath traveling down the front of your body on the way in and up your back on the way out, forming a cyclical wave of energy. Continue allowing your chest to open and close with your breath. Ride that wave.
In order to super awaken your sexual desire, do this kneeling, knees apart and a pillow under your pelvis. Begin gently contracting the pelvic floor muscles on the exhale. This will again direct blood flow to your genitals. Enjoy as you explore the sensations. As you ride the wave and undulate your body, grind the pillow. Keep breathing through your open mouth.
Done regularly, these exercises can calm you, enhance focus, reduce blood pressure and help you better tap into your sexual energy. Enjoy your practice.