Jackie P. says, “For years I had worked as an organizational psychologist for a large national corporation. Then, at age 65 I found out that my employers insurance would fulfil my dream and pay for all my gender re-assignment surgeries. Thus, I kept working until I was 69. I ended up having a different surgery about every 6 months. I was privy to every possible surgery by the country’s top surgeon to the tune of $260,000. Happily, everything works like a charm and I feel like I have a new lease on life.
In fact, everything from my social life to my sex life to my professional life has improved, not to mention the fact that my income as a councillor has quadrupled. I feel like I am 30 all over again. Everything in my world is different now and I have been blessed with a fresh, positive outlook on life.
Today I work with a group of people in their 30’s and 40’s who consider me one of their age. I fly all over the continent working on projects and delivering lectures. As a certified transgender therapist, I work with adolescents and adults who are striving to have the healthiest lives possible. I provide services to individuals, couples and families experiencing anxiety, depression, stress, eating disorders, as well as sexual and relationship issues. My expertise includes applying therapeutic skills and techniques to help clients reach their therapy goals as quickly as possible while continuously conveying the message that you are enough, and ensuring you feel confident in your decisions and supported on your path.
Indeed, I could never have imagined that my life would be this fun or meaningful. It has been like having one exciting adventure after another. Now the six years we have to wait for my wife to retire isn’t that bad. She too is transgender and we have become closer and our lives are so much better.
We love to travel together at times which certainly beats sitting at home waiting to die from boredom.
I know that I am very lucky to be so healthy and happy at this age. For me, retirement has been this golden opportunity to participate in a new, exciting life that I would never have once thought possible. I wake up feeling grateful to be alive each day. After working non-stop at a job I never particularly liked for 50 years, each day now seems like an exciting vacation.
My advice for other seniors is to never give up on your dreams or your future. If you always honour your authentic self, then life may just surprise you in amazing ways far beyond your wildest imagination.”