If you want to stop berating yourself whenever you gaze into the mirror! Learn to love the wonderful body you have been blessed with and dismiss those glossy fashion magazines and sleazy reality TV show that contend you must look a certain way in order to be socially acceptable.
What follows are five reasons why you need to prioritize naked alone time in your daily life.
- To own your story. Your body tells your story. When you get to know your body, you get to own your story. And when you own your story, you get to write the ending.
- To embrace your completeness. You will never be more than when you are naked. The word “naked” comes from the Old English “nacod,” meaning “bare.” And the word “bare” comes from the Lithuanian word “basas,” meaning “complete in itself.” That encapsulates the power of being naked: it makes you see that you are complete and have the inner power to do and be all that you want.
- To experience vulnerability. According to Brene Brown’s research, being naked is the epitome of how vulnerability feels. Being naked is about being vulnerable. And being vulnerable involves having the courage to dare, to let yourself be seen, and to live your life from your heart.
- To show the world that you are beautifully unique. Stripping bare and befriending your body is one way to give a middle finger to a world that says you need to look or act a certain way. By totally disrobing you are giving the society that promotes a one-dimensional standard of beauty a metaphorical punch in the face. You are super in every sense of the word, end of story.
- To face your fears and liberate yourself. We spend so much money on clothes but some of life’s best moments are enjoyed without them. In these precious moments, we can face our fears and free ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.