Jean specializes in working privately with those women who have suffered sexual trauma, those recovering from a divorce and breakup, and those earnestly seeking to grow, heal and transform.
By working with Jean, women not only receive the validation and emotional holding they have so long craved but they also learn how to map their own sexual awakening that guides them into their own realm of pleasure.
How liberating it is for a woman once she fully grasps the function of her own erectile network as well as the concept of how orgasmic energy flows up different pathways to the female brain. Only then can she truly unblock the highways that generate full-bodied orgasms.
Once she feels her powerful breath working in conjunct with her conscious pelvic movements and her own spontaneous, primal sounds, a formerly unresponsive woman can become an unstoppable force.
My heartfelt mission is to help illuminate the depth, power and spirit of the awakened feminine journey.