As your home practice deepens and unfolds, you may opt to develop rituals and designate a special space for your mat or meditation cushion. Have you noticed that when you practice in the same spot repeatedly, you charge the space with a unique vibration? Like a yoga studio has something special in the air, the actual space where you come to self-connect becomes imprinted with the energy of your efforts.
As the energy becomes more palpable, you may naturally want to adorn your space with inspirational images and objects. Not only is their presence calming, but they visually remind you to return to your mat and stay on your path. Thus, many yogis create altars in their practice space. An altar provides a place to focus your intentions, then feel them reflected back to you. This sacred, ever-present reminder keeps you focussed on what you’re working toward.
When creating your altar, set aside a space for this sole purpose, perhaps a corner of your bedroom, a single shelf or small tabletop. Place objects that call to you on your altar, from dried flowers and crystals to images of teachers and loved ones. Traditionally, a yoga altar would also include representations of the five elements, as a way of connecting with the natural world, both within and around you.
Yes, the yogic system recognizes five elements, not four. It’s crucial to honor them, not only because they are the building blocks of all that surrounds us, but also for the unique internal qualities they help us cultivate. A brief explanation follows of each element, along with ideas for including them on your own altar.
- Earth. Grounding, centering, and calming, the earth element is associated with the root chakra and can be represented by some find of flower, plant, or crystal.
- Water. The water element encourages resilience, non-attachment, and empathy, and is connected with the sacral chakra. It is traditionally represented by a vase or bowl of water, but you might also use a simple essential oil or rosewater mist.
- Fire. Kindle your confidence, creativity, and drive with the fire element, which resides in the solar plexus chakra. You might light a candle or represent it symbolically with the “flameless” variety. Since fire also connotes purification, many yogic practices involve its invocation.
- Air. The air element lives in the heart chakra and brings clear communication, self-expression and curiosity. When incense is burned on an altar, it’s not actually for the smell. Instead, the smoke visually reminds us of the presence of this more subtle element.
- Space. Yoga’s fifth element lacks a good translation, but we call it space, ether, or “Akash.” The container for all the other elements, space is the source of stillness, freedom, wisdom and potential. Since it’s perceived via sound, on a classic yoga altar it’s represented by a bell. Thus, this element lives in the throat chakra, which includes both the throat that makes sound and ears that receive it.
Through intention and practice, a simple collection of lovely objects can become a sacred space. There are no rules, and whatever your intuition guides you to place on your altar can have incredible potency. The key is to develop a ritual around your altar, whether it be meditating in front of it in the mornings, gazing at it during your asana practice, or spending a few quiet moments in daily devotion.
So, from treasured objects to must-have props, what makes you feel ready to practice?