Decide that you are going to tell your mate what you think of their behaviour or character, whether they like or not.
Think chiefly about what you want and need from them.
Verbalize your thoughts without first checking out your partner’s current emotional state
Think about how your wonderful authenticity and make that the key part of your monologue.
Don’t consider how your partner has reacted to you in the past when you have approached them like this.
If your partner becomes at all defensive, point out that how they choose to react your truth
is their problem.
If what you say makes them feel bad, explain that babysitting their juvenile emotions is not your responsibility.
Continue bombarding them by reciting your own needs if you feel misunderstood or they try to interject.
Bring up multiple topics at the same time to throw them off guard.
Bring up past grievances as you gripe about their present behaviour.
Share your grave misgivings about their suitability as a partner in the future.
If you feel that you have not been heard, repeat your point in a more blunt way.
If your partner interrupts you, view it as rude behaviour and tell them to hush up so you can complete your tirade of negative comments.
Spend no time imagining if you could stand hearing this tirade if it was directed to you.
If your partner responds to your words, dismiss them by continuing to talk as if they had never said a word
If your partner says that your attitude or words have wounded them, tell them to toughen up and face facts.
Continue itemizing your litany of wants and needs although your partner has shown no comprehension of or acknowledgment of what you are even talking about.
If your partner interrupts, quickly overpower them by talking louder and faster until they become quiet.