Wouldn’t you like to stay hydrated while manifesting your dreams? Of course, you would. Some people meditate to visualize what exactly they want, others adopt an entire manifestation ritual, and minimalists just drink water. Manifestation works by aligning yourself with the frequency of whatever you wish to attract, then setting the intention for making it a reality. For example, in order to manifest money, align yourself with money’s frequency by assuming what you want is already yours. Now the law of attraction states that awareness of your emotions and intentions are the key ingredients for manifestation.
In truth, the magic surrounding manifestations has gained popularity as more people than ever before are embracing the law of attraction. We all have our own version of a dream life and a litany of desires that we wish to manifest. Imagine what your life would look like if you could realize your deepest desire using just water!
Indeed, water manifestation, a beautiful expression of minimalism, may well be the simplest, most potent manifestation techniques that spiritual gurus and the Law of Attraction devotees espouse. The law of attraction states that the energy you radiate will come back to you. This curious technique involves writing down your desires and affirmations on a piece of paper, then reciting them to a glass or bottle of water.
We first must appreciate the studies undertaken by the technique’s leading scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto.
This eminent Japanese scientist revolutionized the idea that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm. Dr. Emoto was perhaps the world’s most important water researcher. For over 20 years until his death in 2014, he studied the scientific evidence of how water’s molecular structure transforms when exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds and intentions.
During the mid-1990s, Dr. Emoto famously conducted an experiment, in which he took water samples from the same source, stored them in different jars, then pasted various words on them. In esoteric beliefs, it is thought that words have vibrations so Dr. Emoto was trying to figure out if water could emulate the vibrations from the words.
After a few days, Dr. Emoto noted that the jars with positive words like love, joy and gratitude had structured molecules in the form of beautiful shapes whereas the water in the jars with negative words like hate, grief, and jealousy, turned murky and had deformed molecules. Apparently, charging water with your intent imposes an energetic memory into its molecules and thus into the universe.
How To Do It
Practicing the fast, easy-to-do water manifestation technique can be done as follow:
- Jot down on a piece of paper your desires, affirmations, and dreams, all in the present tense as if you have already achieved them. Avoid any negative words.
- Fill a glass or glass bottle with water.
- Rub you palms together to activate the energy flow in your hands, then hold the glass or bottle.
- Recite your written affirmations, aloud or silently.
- Visualize your words and repeat them until you feel that energy within you.
- Drink the water.
- If you are using a bottle, you can store the water and sip from it occasionally to charge yourself with the encompassing positive vibrations. Or, repeat the steps each morning after you awake or at night before bed time.
According to the experts, performing this ritual on a new moon yields better results. Just commit to the technique and let go of your old biases and inhibitions.
Interestingly, this unconventional technique is thought to render magical results as it has helped many people realize their heartfelt dreams. The idea is to set a purpose, visualize it and let the energy flow.
So, minimalists and skeptics alike, why not let go of your cynicism and and try out this simple technique. You may well be amazed! Perhaps now is the time for you to drink your dreams into existence.