January is traditionally the time to reflect upon the previous year. Here are some ways to approach this task. May you reap some ideas, clarity and epiphanies from the following to help you move forward.
Before starting, set the stage for this exercise. Create a cozy relaxed space by preparing some tea, lighting scented candles and playing serene music. Gather a few things you will need.
Spend time reviewing the previous year. Get out your journal or agenda, vision board, list of goals, pen and paper. Find whatever reminds you of the past year’s occurrences, as well as what you had intended to accomplish. Then, jot down answers to the following:
- What did I accomplish in 2021? What did I work hardest at?
- What surprised me the most this year? What transpired that I hadn’t planned on?
- What were my greatest disappointments?
- Which of my set goals for 2021 did I not complete? What happened?
- What were my greatest challenges in 2021?
- What is my proudest achievement of 2021?
- What new insights did I gain in 2021?
- What will I deliberately leave behind in 2021? (beliefs, patterns, habits, situations, ways of thinking)
- What will I consciously carry forward into 2022 and continue working towards?
- What else is crucial to acknowledge about 2021?
Now write a list of 20 things, people, events and experiences you are grateful for in 2021. Note that gratitude is how you can consciously invite more positives into your life..
Once you have completed 2021 review, you can symbolically release it by safely burning the paper you wrote on and in the spirit of gratitude welcome in all that 2022 has to offer.
Finish the exercise by asking yourself if you have appropriately honored all your efforts and accomplishments over the year.
Know that the smallest things may have been integral to bigger shifts. Think of a way to acknowledge all your hard work, as well as the impact you have made in the world and those people who made a positive contribution to your life in 2021.
Ask a few of your closest friends these questions for input and clarity:
- What you mean to them.
- How you have contributed to their lives.
- How you can continue to play a role in their lives.
- What they see as your strengths, challenges and areas for growth.
Print out your 2021 reflections and file them in a dossier to reflect upon in the years to come.

May you enjoy a blessed 2022! Your cherished dreams, ideas and passions represent your heart’s desires*Indeed, your deepest longings dwell in the heart, which serves as a compass to guide you through life*Strive to act in a conscious manner. Do not just go through the motions, simply existing as time passes you by, while you idly hope for things to magically change for you.
Know that only movement creates change, plus movement causes friction. Wishing, hoping and whining will never create change. Make a move now to savour life fully as you were intended to do. After all, your sole mission here on Earth is to fully embrace this sumptuous smorgasbord called life, while making your unique positive contribution.