Blessings 101

The practice of blessing exists in every spiritual and religious tradition. Divinity is channeled via invocation and bodily gesture towards an object, ideal or person.
Most versions of blessing share the following.
1. First calm your own mind, slowing and deepening your breathing.
2. Then mentally connect to the earth beneath via the nerves of your feet or, if sitting, your pelvic floor/root chakra).
3. Then become aware of your heart chakra (two finger widths above the base of your breastbone), perhaps by tapping it several times lovingly with your left hand.
4. Become aware of your crown chakra and the Cosmic majesty above it.
5. Smile to all of these points of your body as if greeting an old friend: soles of the feet, pelvic floor/root chakra, heart chakra, crown chakra, palms..
6. Repeat the following mantras:
- So Ham, So Ham, So Ham, So Ham, So Ham, So Ham.
- Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum.
- Aham Prema, Aham Prema, Aham Prema, Aham Prema, Aham Prema.
7. Then connect with mentally and verbally invoke Devi Shakti-Isis, Who is Greater than you and all else, but Who encompasses you and all else as well. Anyone can be part of the Greater Tantric Whole.
8. Ask Devi Shakti-Isis that you become a suitable channel for the blessing, then as you keep this pure intent, visualize or name the objects or recipients of the blessing.
9. Let the blessing flow from Devi Shakti-Isis through your crown down through your heart center and out through the palms of your hands to the recipients. Visualizing white or gold light above you, flowing into your crown may help.
10. Let the blessing also flow from the earth up to your heart center, and from there out through the palms of your hands toward the recipients (the recipients may be in front of you, or visualized, or named).
11. Keep your awareness rotating slowly among your feet/pelvic floor and crown, and your heart and hands, and the recipients, as the blessing flows.
12. Continue for as long as you feel the flow and maintain the beneficial intent of being a suitable channel.
Know that you cannot force the flow, as you are only a conduit. Simply ask that the blessing be given, and let it happen. You can always try again later, and you can repeat hourly, daily, etc…
With practice, you will start to feel the flow of blessing as it begins to trickle down, at which point, think thoughts of gratitude, smile if you like, and move about your business.
Do not be attached to the result. Merely be a conduit for what may be.
During the blessing, you may touch the ring finger of your left hand to your heart center palm facing you, and aim the palm of your right hand towards the recipients. Think of the ring finger further activating the compassion in your own heart.
You may name particular blessings (divine solice, security, healing, protection, compassion, love, sustenance…) as you begin and perform the blessing, if you wish.
This technique works best for for anyone with a compassionate intent who regularly heal, meditate, or pray.