A lot of people in my life thought I was crazy when I said that I wanted to become a life coach.
Because to them, I never fit into the definition people think of when they hear the term, Life Coach.
I wasn’t super high-energy doing exciting things in front of large crowds nor did I have a corner office with a large couch that clients could sprawl out on.
I had spent 20 years totally disconnected from the hypocrisies of the modern world, working as a tantric trainer on the West Coast.
What could I offer? How would I make this work?
So, everyone thought it was crazy but to me, it made perfect sense.
I loved to listen to people, talk with them and try to help them solve their problems.
At the end of the day, that’s what being a life coach is all about.
Interestingly enough, when I talk to people about being a life coach, they’re still shocked…
But it’s only because they realize that they have been life coaching for years too!
But they never knew what to call it or how to make a career out of it.
Now, with all that has globally happened in the Pandemic, life coaching has become one of the top grossing industries in the world.
Indeed, more than ever, people of all ages and backgrounds are needing the guidance and encouragement,
So if you wish to learn more about life coaching, then I hav the perfect way to get you started.
Right now, I’m offering a discounted session that discusses tantric lifestyles & success coaching and how it’s becoming one of the world’s top career choices for making a difference!
We will cover my personal secrets behind coaching and provide an exclusive inside look into all the things we offer our students here at the Devi Jeanne Bliss Certification School.
So join me and learn what life coaching is and how it’s changing the world, one client at a time!