A former bodyworker, Betty Martin has shared her years of wisdom by teaching us to focus attention on the direct route to sensory pleasure: from our hands and skin to our brains. The Wheel of Consent is made up of four quadrants: GIVE/RECEIVE/ TAKE/ALLOW. Through various experiments, you explore giving and receiving touch in each […]
Successful Dating In Today’s World
Professional therapists of all stripes are just looking at a piece of the overall exchange that is dating and relating. In any satisfying relationship, intimate or otherwise, both your wants and those of your partner matter. Social Exchange Theory. Social Exchange Theory is a perspective within social psychology describing human relationships (Kelly & Thibaut, 1978; […]
Women, Stop Being Used and Abused
Even if her intellect warns her that this is a potentially unhealthy situation, this can still occur. Indeed, some women sadly repeat this pattern over and over with different men throughout their lives. The deeper and longer the sexual engagements, the less she will focus on her masculine energy signals, which may be warning her […]
The Importance of Hugging
Renowned psychotherapist Virginia Satir, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.” Whether those exact numbers have been scientifically proven remains to be seen, but a wealth of scientific evidence abounds on the importance of hugs and physical contact. […]
A Client’s Changing Perspective On Men
My 52-year-old client Muriel D., a chartered accounted, agreed to share her changing views on men: “Why do I love being with an extremely masculine man? I love that he can command what he wants of me in bed. I love that he possesses me. I love that he claims every cell of my being. […]
How to Become A 21st-Century Tantric Male
Mental Preparatory Work Men, if you wish to have transformational sex and enter the tantric zone, you first must actively clear out all your own sex-related blocks. From a very young age, society blatantly shoves sex in a male’s face with its mixed messaging. To be sexy you must buy this cologne, wear these jeans and […]